
Monday, April 26, 2010

KidsFfest (Kids Film Festival)

KidsFfest adalah acara yang diselenggarakan oleh Kalyana Shira Foundation bekerja sama dengan beberapa sponsor/partner.Acaranya antara lain pemutaran film anak-anak dari berbagai belahan dunia dan workshop yang berhubungan dengan dunia film.
Kami telah menonton film yang mereka putar sejak tahun kemarin, tahun ini adalah penyelenggaraan yang kedua. Film-film yang diputar tidak diragukan lagi mutunya, karena penyelenggara memang terdiri dari orang-orang yang bisa dibilang "idealis".
Tahun kemarin saya yang memilihkan film untuk Donna (saya ceritakan ringkasan filmnya dan perlihatkan trailernya lebih dulu). Tahun kemarin kami nonton "Niko and the Way to the Stars" dan "Die Drei Rauber/ Three Robbers".
Tahun ini kami menyaksikan 2 film pilihan Donna sendiri (dia baca ringkasannya + lihat trailernya): "The Azemichi Road" dan "Frog and Toad/Kikkerdril".
Keduanya mengesankan, apalagi yang "Frog and Toad/Kikkerdril". Sayang yang "Frog and Toad" kami mengalami kejadian kurang mengenakkan walau akhirnya bisa dibilang "happy ending". Ternyata penayangan "Frog and Toad" yang kedua (masing-masing judul film diputar hanya 2x selama penyelenggaraan) telah di book oleh media partners. Kesal sekali rasanya. Kami jauh-jauh datang dari Tangerang ke Blitz Megaplex di Pacific Place Mall, dengan menggeser beberapa kegiatan kami, untuk menyaksikan film yang sudah Donna pilih beberapa minggu sebelumnya, tapi ditolak petugas ketika ingin beli tiket. Pemberitahuan yang terlalu mendadak dan mengacaukan jadwal yang kami rencanakan jauh-jauh hari.
Untunglah setelah saya complain ke sana sini (pihak kidsffest sendiri belum hadir), saya ditemui oleh ibu Eka dari Femina yang memberikan saya & Donna tiket masuk. Kami berterimakasih sekali pada ibu Eka karena akhirnya kami bisa nonton "Frog and Toad".
KidsFfest ini event yang sangat-sangat bagus, kalaupun ada kekurangan di sana sini tentu wajar sekali. Kerja yang luar biasa dari orang-orang hebat. Bravo KidsFfest!
Trailer film2 tsb bisa dilihat di Youtube.

Monday, April 19, 2010

When I Grow Up I Want to be…

When Donna was 4 yrs old she said:"When I grow up I want to be a dentist".
The next year when she was 5 yrs old she wanted to be a teacher (Bahasa & Science teacher).
Now she's 6 yrs old, and she wants to be a writer & illustrator....:D

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Make a Story

My computer teacher taught me how to make story ,using WordPad and Drawing for Children. This is my own story.I make it by my self.



We were very sorry to this caterpillar. We found it last year on a tree branch. It attached on it, starting to change became a chrysalis.
We tried to hold it carefully along the way home, but...I think it disturbed the caterpillar. It then never change became a chrysalis, died the next day.
We still feel very sorry about it.

Scooter Time

I play scooter out side this morning.

My sister takes a morning walk because she can't ride on a scooter.

Then we have a little break, my mom take our pictures.

I run for fun.
"Run run as fast as you can't eat me 'cause I'm not a gingerbread man.."
Ha ha you can't eat me


Our Caterpillars (Moths)

We found these caterpillars on our plant. After we kept them for about 2 weeks, they spin something around their bodies with their dirt, became cocoon.

The cocoon emerges into moths.

This was our 2nd moth caterpillar.

Those caterpillars were kept last year.

We found this caterpillar on the path we're walking on. We think it'll be a moth, because yesterday it changed into cocoon.
Let's see what kind of moth it'll be (we have to wait about 2 weeks).

Our Caterpillars (Butterflies)

Since last year we like to keep various caterpillar to see what it'll be, butterfly or moth.

This was our first caterpillar,

became this butterfly. We got this caterpillar from our lime tree.

This was our second butterfly caterpillar. We got it when we're taking a morning walk. It crept on the grass.
The chrysalis coloured beautiful light green.

Surprise! The butterfly was brown.

We found this 3rd butterfly, was bitten by a big ant. The ant got 2 of its legs and some part of its wing. After we shoo away the big ant, we tried to help this poor butterfly. We put 2 drops of honey and water on a tissue paper and put the butterfly on it.

And the next morning this butterfly looked ok, so we let it fly...
Bye butterfly!

"But the Doctor said I can go to school on wednesday"

Ya, itu yang diucapkan Donna ketika saya bilang, sekolah minta dia istirahat di rumah lagi untuk 3 hari ke depan, to make sure gada virus flu Singapur lagi yang mungkin masih dia bawa.
Akhirnya saya terangkan, lebih baik begitu, daripada nanti ada yang sakit seperti itu lagi dan dia menjadi tertuduh, walau dokter kami bilang sudah tak ada virus lagi (obatnya pun sudah habis sejak kemarin siang dan tak perlu ditambah obat apapun lainnya).
Ini ada artikel dari Wikipedia tentang virus flu singapur :,_foot_and_mouth_disease

Saya bilang ke Donna "Toh kamu punya segudang fun activities yang bisa kamu lakukan, yang selama ini ingin kamu lakukan tapi gada waktu".
Donna pun jadi kegirangan. Pagi ini dia mau main scooter (gampang lagi bangunin dia, password: scooter). Ha ha ha...

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Stay at Home

I make paper craft.

Da da SpongeBob and Patrick !


Monday, April 12, 2010

When I'm Not Feeling Well

I have been sick since last Thursday evening. I have to stay at home so I will not share the virus with my friends.
I played dressing-up my dolls with traditional costumes from some countries. Mum bought it a few months ago for me.

I tried to find the countries on my globe.

The last game before I slept was Sudoku.


Friday, April 2, 2010

My Collection

These are pictures of beautiful leaves that I rubbed under my papers.


Thursday, April 1, 2010


In this book there are so many stories.

This is the best story,I like it.
This is about a boy named Luke.
He was lonesome. He made every body happy by saying
